Sep-Dec 2018 projects
Retractable Hoses - we are currently investigating options into replacing the hoses with retractable ones, to make it easier for the members
Toilet - we are researching options into improving the toilet facility for the garden
Netting - we are in discussion in regards to purchasing new netting for the fruit trees in the garden as our existing netting is in disrepair and not possible to be repaired.
Local Artist - Wina - has offered to paint a mural on our clubhouse to reflect Rosebud. We are awaiting drafts to vote on.
Toilet - we are researching options into improving the toilet facility for the garden
Netting - we are in discussion in regards to purchasing new netting for the fruit trees in the garden as our existing netting is in disrepair and not possible to be repaired.
Local Artist - Wina - has offered to paint a mural on our clubhouse to reflect Rosebud. We are awaiting drafts to vote on.
Food forest projectA food forest is a method of growing food that involves planting a wide variety of fruit and nut trees, vegetables and herbs, and an array of plants that attract good insects and/or ward off pests and diseases. This mix of plants is known as a polyculture. The majority of the food we buy is grown in fields that are planted out with a single crop and these are monocultures. At our garden we intend to plant the majority of the communal areas using the principals of a food forest (also known as a forest garden). Just like a ‘natural’ forest, an established food forest requires little to no human effort to be sustained. There is no digging or weeding, and no herbicides, fertilisers or pesticides are used. The hard work is takes place during its development. SETTING UP The first phase of our Food Forest Project started in the middle of 2013. Local businesses rallied when asked to help out with materials:
On 30 November 2013, Mayor Antonella Celi offically launched our Food Forest Project and unveiled the Food Forest Sponsors 2013 plaque to thank our sponsors. We consider our sponsors to be integral members of the Rosebud Community Garden community and encourage garden members and friends to support them with their custom. This is an imperative if the garden is to benefit from their continued support. THE NEXT PHASE We are working with the Mornington Peninsula Shire to manage the encroaching kikuyu grass from the surrounding park before embarking on phase two of the Food Forest’s implementation. This involves under-planting the new fruit trees around the garden’s boundary. We are seeking a non-toxic solution to keeping the grass from invading our boundaries and our new food forest. Once this has been addressed we will begin planting out the next layer of the food forest. |