Many thanks to all those members who helped out with our very successful Bunnings Sausage Sizzle. Pictured L-R are: Jason, Kay C, Gail and Sam (with his back to us).
Also helping on the day were: Tom, Sandra F, Rita, Chris, Sandra L, John, Kay T, Alan, Alfred & Karen. We made a very healthy profit and a good time was had by all. Apology: I must apologise for the late publication of the roster. I was waiting for people to volunteer and when it was complete there was a holdup with getting the email out to everyone. Will do better next time! $100 from Coles for the sausage sizzle $50 from Woolworths for the sausage sizzle $100 from Bunnings for seedlings, seed raising mix & snail bait Ridge capping materials for the chook shed from Cory Gaul at Reece Plumbing supplies Compost Heaps & Worm Farm Thanks to lots of hard work by some of our members both of these systems are up and running again. Please take note of signs. Any questions about these systems can be directed to Sandra Lisson who attends the Tuesday morning working bees. There are now multiple ways of disposing of any prunings and food waste. The chooks also like a feed of green leaves and other food scraps. (No rhubarb leaves please as they are poisonous.) Communal areas are clearly marked. Department of Justice. We are pleased to announce that the DOJ work groups will be returning to the garden on the 28th of April with Carol Cummings supervising. These people are doing community service and have made a huge difference to the maintenance of our garden. Tuesday Working Bees If you have some spare time and would like to help out in the garden there are always some members present on Tuesday mornings. Tip Vouchers If anyone has spare tip vouchers to donate we would be very grateful. Citrus Trees Thanks also to Brian Matheson for correctly pruning our citrus trees. They should now produce better crops in the years ahead. Future Projects The committee are planning to rebuild the edging in the circular communal plots and build a frame for the kiwi fruit at the rear of the clubhouse. If anyone would like to help with these projects please contact Tom Freeman. (President) Committee meeting All members are welcome to attend committee meetings. Our next meeting will be held on Saturday 30th April at 11am followed by some garden activities and then lunch. Please bring a plate of food to share. The pizza oven will be lit in case you want to cook or warm something up. Tea and coffee will be provided. Hope to see you next Saturday!
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